We’re almost through January, we’ve passed ‘suicidal’ Mon, the gloomiest day of the year and we’re sailing towards a full moon and total lunar eclipse in Leo on the 31st. We’ve entered what enlightened astrologers are calling the ‘wormhole,’ which is a period of transition before the rebirth at the spring equinox. What is happening in the wormhole is unknown to us, there are no maps or signposts. We are pregnant and transition. I remember that stage in my own labour as well observing it in the many women I accompanied whilst working as an ante natal teacher. It’s the most frustrating stage of labour, nearly there but not ready to deliver. It requires concentration and patience. It’s the stage where you want to give up and is often accompanied by expletives!!
That’s exactly how I’m experiencing this wormhole, ‘where am I going?’ ‘What am I doing? and is it worth doing anyhow? But there’s no turning back. We are pregnant, we’ve a way to go to delivery, but we are on our way!
These cold, dreary days in the UK make us feel lethargic, so it’s easy to stay indoors and rest. Exactly what is needed in the early stages, but the snowdrops are peeping through and Spring is around the corner. I am honouring this enenrgy and am still in the planning stages with workshops, still patiently waiting for the ecliptive midwife to say, ‘PUSH!’ Until then we’re in surrender. Lie back in your canoe and leave the paddle alone, (see the article on The Art of Surrendering on my website.) allowing the flow of the river to direct you path. The Higher Self knows the way.